July 27, 2013


IQ: Here I have a recipe for you... Simple Sesame Noodles

IS:  Just toss in sesame seeds on noodles?

IQ:  What? NOOO *dies laughing* Tu na.

IS: Hahaha. Oh then?

IQ: Read it!

IS: Ummmmmmm [still not checking] but I dont have sesame noodles, just egg noodles.

IQ: *slaps forehead*

July 22, 2013


Angel:  Awww
Angel:  u still have tht baby face 
IQ: But of course.  Always will
IQ: I live by my motto: to grow longer, stronger and younger

IQ: Longer, I realize, might seem weird seeing as I am a girl but for the sake of rhyming, taller does not fit in, you see.
Angel: LOL

IQ: Do not by any chance think I am looking into becoming a tranny.
Angel: uhuh thanks for confirming that lol
IQ: You are very welcome

IQ: Considering your mental state one might be worried you may spend half a night pondering about what happened to IQ, and if she does become a male maybe you would be interested in proffering your biodata to him when the operation is through.
Angel: man i am sleepy
Angel: LOL